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Important News

--- 02/28/2025 ---

2025 Commercial, Industrial, and Multiresidential Revaluation Project Update

The Crawford County Assessor’s office has mailed the 2025 commercial, industrial, and multi residential property assessment notices to property owners on 2/20/2025.

Residential and Agricultural property valuation notices (Assessment rolls) will be sent out prior to April 1st.

The notices are intended to inform the property owners of the estimated market value of their property. The values should not be confused with taxable value or the tax bill.

Vanguard Appraisals, Inc. of Cedar Rapids was awarded the contract to reappraise all commercial, industrial, and multi residential class of property in the county as of January 1, 2025. Company representatives have measured and attempted to inspect all property over the last two years. A sales analysis and a review of the information collected were conducted before the values were finalized. 

Property owners will have an opportunity to meet with a representative of Vanguard Appraisals, Inc., beginning March 17th. These meetings are an opportunity for the property owner to submit any information which may affect the estimate of market value of their property. Property owners who wish to meet with a representative of Vanguard must request an appointment by calling the county assessor’s office at (712) 263-3447, Monday- Friday, between 8am and 4:30pm and between February 21 and March 6, 2025.

The last complete reappraisal of these properties was completed by Vanguard Appraisals, Inc for the January 1, 2002 assessment date. The current reappraisal was conducted to equalize assessed values since not all properties have decreased or increased at the same rate since 2002. Company representatives will not adjust the assessed values if the property owner objects to the new values based solely on the fact that there was an increase in assessed value. Property owners who disagree with the new values should be prepared to state their estimate of market value and present evidence to support that estimate.

New notices will be mailed if values change prior to April 1.

Property owners will also have an opportunity to protest the new assessed values to the Board of Review. A written protest must be submitted between April 2nd and April 30th for the Board of Review to consider any adjustment.


You may have some additional questions after reading this, and if you do, we invite you to call our office, (712-263-3447) or email mjacobsen@crawfordcounty.iowa.gov. 

I thank you for your cooperation as we enter this reappraisal project.

--- 03/26/2024 ---



As you review your 2024 assessment information, please keep in mind that Iowa law requires all property to be assessed at Fair Market value. 

Research of sales ratio studies and analysis of local conditions, as well as economic trends both in and outside of the construction industry are used in determining your assessment. 

The assessed value on your notice represents the assessment of your property as of January 1, 2024 … taxes will be payable on this assessment in the Fall of 2025 and the Spring of 2026.

If you have further questions, after reviewing the available information on our website, please feel free to contact our office for further assistance.



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